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Home For Thanksgiving

I’ve know Angela for some time now. Our husbands were moved from Belleville to Montreal together and the rest was history.

Recently they moved to the US for Steve’s job and seeing that it was Thanksgiving they decided to head home to Canada for a visit. I’m just thankful that I was included in that visit. in addition to photographing Angela, Steve and their three boys (who I couldn’t get over how much had grown and changed).  I was also capturing some pictures of Angela’s Mom And Dad and Steve’s Brother, Wife and Son. Let’s just say there was defiantly fun all around. So much fun in fact that I stayed for a while and was able to catch up with everybody.

I hope you all had a safe trip home and I look forward to seeing you the next time you’re up north.

And as always ……. Remember …… Don’t Let Your Kids Grow Up To BE JPegs


Angela - CL was again you captured my family in these beautiful shots! Like I have said so many times you are truly amazing at what you do as well as such an amazing person!
I am so glad that you were there to share in the moments, I would not have wanted it any other way!!!
Thank you again for all your hard work and dedication in making more memories for us.
I can not get the smile of my face!

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