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Mother’s Day Gift

I always have such a hard time when my family ask me what I want for Mother’s Day every year. To be completely honest there’s not a lot of things that I want. I don’t like clutter so nick knack things don’t appeal to me, the word tells me not to ask for appliances even though I love to cook – cleaning not so much, our new house as flowers and shrubs in the garden and to be honest I’m not completely sure what is all there yet, so see I’m lost…. that is until I seen an email from Pretty Presets today. They had a printable coupon book so I immediately fired the email off to my husband and asked for the kids to make this. For the record I’m ok if they  just use scissors and not the sewing machine 🙂

There are approximately 10 coupons in total.

Here is the link to download them
