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I’ve been keeping a secret!

You know in my About me section where I say – I’m a gypsy at heart? Well………….We’re moving.

This weekend I started letting some people know that I will be moving. Although we weren’t putting things online yet I was telling people in person this weekend at BlissDom Canada. Well now things are official and I can get everything out in the open.

My husband Andy has taken a new job in Hamilton with Hamilton Health Services and will be starting it the first week of November. I’m not exactly sure when we will officially be there as we need to sell the house and all that good stuff here first. We are excited and a little scared but we know this is a good opportunity for our family. Although the kids are not thrilled about moving they are onboard as well.

We are planning to live in Hamilton as Andy is tired of commuting and seeing as the kids are older now we are thinking the urban living will be a great option for us. I’m also looking forward to being closer to all my Hamilton, Burlington, GTA, and Kitchener Waterloo clients.

Although excited about our move I will also miss so many people from Ottawa. Thank god I’m so good at sky ping and stuff as I think that will defiantly be a lifeline for me.

So if you live in Hamilton or know the area please let me know what the areas that you love are. I will also be moving the kids into a new high school so I need those recommendations as well.




Julia - Exciting news! Congrats on the big move and I hope everything runs smoothly for you.

Loukia - Ottawa is losing the best photographer… that is sad! But I know I’ll see you when I’m the TO area and we have our events… best of luck with the move, my friend… xo

The Maven - Ottawa will miss you! But it sounds like a grand new adventure. Congratulations! I think you need to move at least some of your stuff in a caravan, though. You know, if you want to live up to that gypsy reputation you have going on 😉

Krista (@kristahouse) - Big news! You will be missed in the Ottawa area… however, you are a girl that likes to travel so I have no doubt that I’ll still be seeing your smiling face from time to time.

Mwah! xoxo

Olga - Not another photographer leaving Ottawa! Sad! I am glad I got to meet you at Blissdom Canada!

jen - Cl
All the best in your moving travels and Good Luck in Hamilton

Justin Van Leeuwen - Who am I going to have coffee with now?

Lisa - So excited, so excited, so excited, so excited and did I mention, so excited? 🙂

Susan Ovington - Congrats on the big move and the new challenges too!

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